Join the seniors of Fraserview and surrounding community for:
Friendship and community building
Games - pool, shuffleboard, table games
Lunch and treats
Worship and prayer time
Bible study
Sandwich making for school kids
Seasonal luncheons

Home Church & Bible Studies
Home Churches and Bible Studies are Fraserview’s way of deepening community by creating a welcoming place where people come together to eat, socialize, study Scripture, pray, care for one another, and serve together.
It is in this community that we discover the unique ways God has created us.
Home Churches and Bible Studies
Ladies Bible Study meets every Thursday morning @ 9:30am at Fraserview and on Google Meet.
Fireside Home Church meets every second Tuesday night at 6:00pm in the Fireside Room at Fraserview.
Contact Lu or Andrew

Care Ministry
Serve others by:
Preparing meals for families in need during difficult times
Distributing bread donations from Cobbs Bread to community members
Visiting those who are sick in the hospital or lonely at home
Preparing and hosting weekly Wednesday meals for those in the community
Sharing donated goods during Wednesday Community Night
Donating gifts for the Christmas Star program for local schools.
Preparing breakfast and sandwiches for locals schools
Participating in care of the church grounds