Our Story
At Fraserview Church, we are a community of people who are passionate about following Jesus and sharing His love with others. Our mission is to make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything He has commanded us. We believe that everyone is welcome to join us on this journey of faith, no matter where you are in life.
Join Us for Our Sunday Morning Gathering at 10:30!

Home Churches
Tuesday, February 11th at 6:00pm hosted by Lu Allan
Study the book of Ephesians with us!
(in person at Fraserview in the Fireside Room)
Thursday, February 13th at 9:30am hosted by Ingrid Seel
(in person at Fraserview or on Zoom; Women’s Weekly Study)

Upcoming Events
Sunday, February 9th: Potluck Lunch at 11:45am
Tuesday, February 11th: Fraserview Seniors at 10:00am
Wednesday, February 12th: Community Night with dinner at 6pm
Sunday, February 16th: Young Adults Night Out
6PM-9PM- Central City Fun Park, Surrey
Sunday, February 16th: Youth Baptism Class at 12:15pm
Sunday March 2nd: Child Protection Workshop 12:00-1:00pm
Sunday, March 2nd: Cafe Chat at 7pm
Science and Christianity: Adversaries or Allies?
Tuesday, March 4th: Men’s Breakfast at 6:00am at Denny’s
10211 St. Edwards Dr., Richmond
July 7th - 11th: FraserviewKids “True North” Summer Camp 2025